video messages

Mark McKergow, Dr.
Jenny Clarke
SF Work
Edinburgh, SCOTLAND

マークさんとジェニーさんは「解決志向」の考え方を企業社会に導入した世界的パイオニアです。SOL Worldの発起人でもあり、その多彩な活躍は世界各地で多くのSF実践者をインスパイアしてきました。繰り返し来日されて、J-SOL大会で私たちに大きな影響を与えてくれました。

Monika Houck



Liselotte Baeijaert

Land aan Zee(retreat center)



Kirsten Dierolf

Solutions Academy

Frankfurt GERMANY


Anton Stellamans



で、とっても真面目な人なのかと思いきや、SOL Cabaretという宴会では、ここには書けない内容のお色気ジョークを披露したりして、とっても魅力的なベルギー男性です。

Peter Sundman

SF psychotherapist
Coach & Trainer

TaitoBa network

Helsinki, FINLAND


Julia Kalenberg




Text messages

Simon TP Lee

SF Practitioner

BRIEF Academy

サイモンと僕は2005年にアジア人として初めて欧州のSOL World大会(スイス・インターラーケン)に参加しました。彼とはすぐに気が合って、どの分科会に出るかをよく相談し合いました。

My J-SOL experience in Japan

Dear Aoki-san,

It is with much pleasure that I recall and share my wonderful experience with Japanese participants at the J-SOL event in Japan.  I remember I attended J-SOL at least 3 times and every encounter was something I look forward to, first to share and learn from J-SOL participants and second, an opportunity to tour the country and learn about the Japanese culture.  What was fascinating was to witness how meticulously the event was organized, how forward-thinking and advanced the SF way has already progressed in Japan under the leadership of Aoki-san.  Aoki-san is a leader and master of SF discipline.  Every event the Japanese people organize is a first-class performance. 

I remember at J-SOL3 in 2010, I presented the 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask and Aoki-san was extremely quick to translate everything to Japanese – miracle work by Aoki-san.  I also learned about NiPaPa – the SF Transformation of Mothers, by Yasuko Suzuki, (by the way, I still keep the fan) and The Story of ZACROS, Becoming SF Inside.  Of course, we had fun on board a ship with music and entertainment, good food and first class hospitality, Japanese style.  We visited the Japanese garden and learned about green tea making, and what a wonderful host we have in Ruiko Aoki, we always had a wonderful time.  Thank you so much for the first-class hospitality.

I look forward to another re-union event or meeting more Japanese SF coaches in the up-coming SOLworld conference in Mechelene, Belgium.  Have a sparkling 2025! God Bless!

Dominik Godat

Center for Solution Focused Leadership



Congratulations and thank you, dear Aoki-san!

I remember one of the first times I met Aoki-san very well. It must have been around 2007/2008 in a random coaching workshop hosted by Peter Szabo. After the workshop he came to me with an analysis of my random coaching card set. With his sharp thinking he told me why he thought that this card set works so well and asked me if he could translate it into Japanese and distribute it in Japan. This was the first step of an inspiring friendship meeting at many SOL-Conferences and at J-SOL in Kyoto. I am deeply impressed by what Aoki-san has built up in Japan and inspired by the way he has brought Solution Focus into Organizations. Aoki-san has been a role model in building SF communities for me.

I also remember quite vividly meeting the many Japanese SOL participants. One time at the SOL-conference in Bucharest, Romania, they all came to the workshop I hosted. This was the biggest honor for me that they all wanted to see me. I was impressed by how they all learnt English to join, by the many great conversations, by the SOL-Cabaret performances – e.g. with Ponta-san as Elvis or Masashi-san as Sumo, and by the presentations, especially with the Japanese touch, e.g. to start with a small next step that creates a Chain of Natural Positive Response (CNPR) or the ok-messages.

And of course, the greatest of all memories – joining J-SOL – the hospitality and getting to know the Japanese culture even more.

Paul Z Jackson

The Solutions Focus

SFの名著”The Solutions Focus”の共著者であるポールさんは独特のユーモアのセンスでSOL大会をいつも盛り上げてくれました!

I remember our visit in 2008 to deliver workshops in Tokyo. The group asked very wise questions. I noticed that everyone understood a lot more English than they said they did.

You translated everything from one language to the other. Sometimes we said something long and the translation was short. Sometimes it was the other way around. Anyway, it seemed to work.

So congratulations on your 20th anniversary, and wishing you many more to come…

Marika Tammeaid

D.Sc. (Admin), Director of Development, Solution-Focused Trainer-Coach
Itla Foundation

Warmest Congratulations Solution Focus Inc. for a great 20 years! It has been a privilege and a pleasure to meet you Japanese Solution-Focused pioneering practitioners over the years, to learn about the great practical examples and materials you have created. Japan is widely known for its reticent culture, but at SOL World conferences we have discovered that the Japanese have another, fun, warm and humorous side. I also admire how you have developed the Solution-Focused way of working forward in a significant way, , especially in the corporate world. Memorable moments and good work for the future as well!

<青木コメント> マリカさんはフィンランド政府内でお仕事をされていて、とても頼りになる方です。そしてとても謙虚な姿勢で必要なことをきちっとやってくれます。SOL Worldでは色々とお世話になりました!

John Brooker

SF consultant


マルコさん(左)とジョンさん(右) 鎌倉にて

In 2012 I met many Japanese delegates at SOLWorld Oxford. In 2013, after running a training course in Japan for Visa, I fell in love with the country and longed to return. The following year, J-SOL7 became the perfect opportunity. I attended with my friend and Solution Focused (SF) consultant Marco Ronzani, his daughter Olivia, and Eastern European colleagues.

The warmth and hospitality of everyone at J-SOL7 still resonates. Before the event, we explored Kamakura, a historical town south of Tokyo, often called the “Kyoto of Eastern Japan.” Its stunning temples, shrines, and the largest Buddha I’ve ever seen made for an unforgettable day – with huge thanks to Ruiko, who made it happen. My first ever karaoke being in Japan (Born to Run), was also memorable (perhaps not for the listeners!).

Carrying the SOLWorld Candle to Japan was a privilege. Safely tucked in its red box, it raised eyebrows at London Airport security but held deep significance. Watching Olivia, the youngest attendee, pass the lit candle to Aoki San to open the event was a touching continuation of a tradition dating back to 2002.

J-SOL7 offered magical moments, including my most memorable SF moment, with Marco co-coaching a Japanese lady using SF questions in English translated in to Japanese but hearing the answers only in Japanese. We relied on the coachee’s body language, voice tone, and expressions to guide us. The session flowed like a dance, and her gratitude afterward was deeply rewarding. 

I also ran a workshop using clay to demonstrate how to help teams envision their Future Perfect, a fun session. Reflecting on these memories, I extend heartfelt congratulations to Aoki, Ruiko, and Solution Focus Inc. on 20 inspiring years and huge thanks to all attendees at J-SOL for making us so welcome!

<青木コメント> ジョンさんはメッセージと一緒に思い出深い写真を沢山を送ってくれました。全部紹介できないのが残念です。J-SOLに参加して日本観光をしたことが本当にいい思い出だったようで、嬉しいです!彼が発案した調停ワークの冒頭で5分間だけ先に相手方への文句を思いきり言った後に「で、何がお望みですか?」と解決志向に転換する技がとても印象的でした。現在はSFiO(Solution Focus in Organizations)のリーダーも務められています。

Kirsten Dierolf

Solutions Academy

Frankfurt, GERMANY


Congratulations on the 20th Anniversary of Solution Focus Inc!

It fills me with great joy to celebrate this incredible milestone with you, Aoki-san! Reflecting on the journey, I still vividly remember our first meeting 20 years ago at the coaching conference in Grindelwald. It was the start of an inspiring friendship and professional collaboration that has enriched my life in countless ways.

Over the years, it has been a delight to meet you at conferences across Europe, where you always brought a wonderful group of Japanese colleagues. Your presence not only strengthened the international Solution Focus community but also showcased the warmth and curiosity of Japanese culture. I will always treasure our time at the J-SOL conferences in Japan—not only for the excellent content but also for the delightful free-time activities, from the memorable cabarets, great food, to the lovely boat trip on the river. Those experiences truly reflected the balance of work and play that makes Solution Focus so meaningful.

Your groundbreaking book, one of the first to explore Solution Focus in the context of Japanese business, has been a guiding light for so many. I am in awe of your dedication, your innovative contributions to the field, and, above all, your generosity in sharing your knowledge and creating connections.

Congratulations once again on 20 years of making a profound impact!

Warmest regards,

Anton Stellamans




Dear Aoki San, congratulations on the 20th anniversary of your company. Thanks to the current translation software, I’m able to read through your congratulations page on your website and I see that all these people have met the same lovable Aoki san as I did 20 years ago at the SOLWorld Conference in Interlaken, Switzerland. You were the first person from Japan to attended the SOLWorld conferences, and year after year the Japanese delegation grew bigger and bigger. You did not only introduce your compatriots to SF, you have also brought Japanese wisdom to SF. 10 years ago we invited you over to Ilfaro in Belgium for a week long international seminar on how to introduce SF in organisations. I remember you talked about your SF Inside approach. And I have been using it ever since. You are a true example of someone always seeing the good in other people. Thank you for your work, your contributions to SF and for being such a beautiful and inspiring person. Deep bow, Anton Stellamans – Ilfaro – Belgium

Jesper H Christiansen

Solutionsurfers Danmark

Copenhagen, DENMARK

Dear Aoki-san, I have had the great pleasure of experiencing your openness and kindness many times at SOLWorld events over the years. You have an incredible ability to inspire through your presentations and written casework, and I am deeply grateful for the insights you have shared. Your remarkable work introducing the Solution-Focused Approach to Japanese organisations has amazed me. The respect and sensitivity you have shown for Japanese culture and the SF methodology, while building a strong network to spread this knowledge, is nothing but a true (SF) miracle. On a personal note, I am incredibly thankful to you for translating my coaching dice – the Minute Dice – and app into Japanese. Your effort has made it possible for it to reach and benefit more people, which means so much to me. Aoki-san, you have created so many miracles for me and others, and I know the people around you will continue to experience your thoughtful and insightful contributions. Thank you for everything you do! Warm regards, Jesper

<青木コメント> イエスパーさんは物静かで人を包み込んでくれる優しいオーラの北欧人です。日本に来たらきっと居心地いいんじゃないかなと思うんだけど・・・いつか来ないかな(^o^)

Niklas Tiger

Managing Director
Innovation 360 Sweden
Innovation Management Licenced Practitioner



Dear Aoki-san,

It was back in 2011 and the SOLWorld Conference in Hungary our paths crossed for the very first time. I knew very little about solutions focus at the time and I visited the conference almost by accident. Little did I know that it would be a life changing event. One of the presentations that made the greatest impact on me, and that convinced me that SF was something to dive into, was your presentation on your SF inside work a Japanese manufacturing organization. It showed how SF could transform and organization in fantastic ways. This became the ignition for my personal, and my company’s, SF journey, where I would later experience many of the fantastic results you had helped organizations in Japan achieve.

A few years later, it was an honor to be invited by you to Japan and J-SOL of 2015, where you created the opportunity for me to not only experience the fantastic J-SOL conference and to present some of our own work there, but also to meet and share experiences with some of the Japanese companies you have worked with over the years. It was a great experience and a hugely appreciated visit to Japan that is still staying fond in my memory.

Today I have started a new company where SF coaching and training for organizations is part of my offering. Had it not been for your fantastic presentation in Hungary, chances are nothing of this would have happened. So many thanks for your contribution to helping my career taking a new turn for the better, your great work in Solutions Focus Inc. and your generous contributions to the SF community.

From me to you a big congratulations on your company’s 20th anniversary. I am looking forward to seeing much more of you and your work in the upcoming years!

Katalin Hankovszky Christiansen (Kati)

Solutionsurfers Magyarország 

My first memory of Aoki-San is from 2005, Interlaken: he’s a first timer at a SOLworld conference and on the stage. He’s funny and modest but with a vision: he promises to come back with some other people from his country to the next conference. By the time I organize my next conference, 2011 in Balatonfüren, Hungary, it’s already a large Japanese delegation arriving and several of them are returning as friends. Aoki-San, how did you do that????!!! Your ideas -for instance the ‘SF inside’ organisation and your participation at our Solutionsurfers courses remain inspiration and such a treasure on my professional journey. Thank you for your warm personality and friendship.

<青木コメント> カティーさんは、よく”How did you do that?”という肯定質問をしてくれます。そして多様なSF実践家にその質問をして得た回答を集めた実践記録の本”Brief & Simple”を出版されました。その中には青木安輝のJ-SOL Storyという文章が収録されました。

Ben Furman

M.D. psychiatrist

Helsinki Finland

“Okage Sama De” has followed me ever since I met Aoki

I was once, now it’s many years ago, teaching a workshop in Japan and Aoki was translating for me. I learned from Aoki something that has followed me ever since. We had a discussion with Aoki about the importance of sharing credit, or thanking other people for one’s accomplishments (a thing that happens spontaneously a lot in all team sports). Aoki became very thoughtful and then, as if he had just had an insight, he said that in Japanese language there is word or expression for this phenomenon. He said it’s called “Okage sama de”. I have not forgotten this lovely phrase and even if my Japanese vocabulary is limited, at least it contains this one pearl. Aoki and Ruiko , you are dear friends and I thank you both for this gift.
